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Student Support Services

21stCCLC Fiscal

Amendments: All Program Modifications and Budget Amendments must now be submitted through the Survey Monkey Apply (SMA) Portal

Budget Narrative (Updated March 2025)

Composite Budget (updated February 2025)

Conference Materials

Financial Management and Allowability Fact Sheet (i.e. Allowable and Unallowable Costs) Note: NYSED created this document as a reminder of requirements under the current RFP and updated Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR).

Fiscal Flowchart (updated September 2024) Note: This chart will help subgrantees understand how 21st CCLC fiscal documents are processed through NYSED.

Fiscal Policies and Procedures Template (October 2022)

Fiscal Webinar Q & A (September 2022)


For other fiscal documents, such as the FS-10 (Budgets), FS-10-A (Budget Amendments), FS-25 (Request for Funds) and FS-10-F (Final Expenditure Reports), please visit the Forms section on the Grants Finance’s website.