World Languages
- Assessments
- Graduation Requirements
- NYS Seal of Biliteracy
- Professional Learning for the NYS Seal of Biliteracy
- Starting a NYSSB Program at Your School (2024-25)
- The NYSSB Culminating Project: A Yearlong Process
- Using the EOY Data Form to Track and Report NYSSB Earner Progress
- 2024-25 NYSSB Book Study - Promoting Multilingualism in Schools: A Framework for Implementing the Seal of Biliteracy
- NYSSB End of Year Data Challenge
- Criteria to Earn the NYSSB
- NYSSB Annual Reports
- NYSSB Culminating Projects, Presentations, and Rubrics
- NYSSB One-Page Briefs for Students and Families in Multiple Languages
- NYSSB School Notification Form
- NYSSB Wakelet
- NYSSB for Colleges and Universities
- NYSSB in Languages with Multiple Varieties
- Criteria to Earn the NYSSB
- NYSSB Culminating Project Notification Form
- Culminating Projects & Presentations (Criteria 1E & 2E)
- NYSSB End-of-Year Data Form
- NYSSB Guidance Toolkit
- NYSSB One-Page Briefs for Stakeholders
- Professional Learning for the NYS Seal of Biliteracy
- Professional Learning
- Wakelet - Authentic Resource Collections
- Spiraling Instruction for Continued Proficiency Growth through Checkpoint B (Modern Languages)
- Administering the Interpersonal and Presentational Assessment Tasks at Checkpoint A
- Creating Meaningful Communicative Contexts
- Presentational and Interpersonal Communication for Classical Languages - Part 1
- Standards and Guidelines
- World Language Associations
- World Language Leadership Council
World Language Associations
New York State Association For Language Teachers (NYSAFLT)
NYSAFLT is an organization that represents World Language educators from all regions of New York and surrounding states and whose purpose is to serve the needs of the profession dedicated to the development of world language skills and cultural awareness among students. NYSAFLT provides its members with a network of communication with colleagues throughout the state, opportunities for professional growth through conferences, institutes and colloquia held regionally and statewide, and an advocate’s voice among the members of the Board of Regents and the state’s legislators. For more information, please visit their website.
New York State Association of World Language Administrators (NYSAWLA)
NYSAWLA is a statewide professional organization that supports leaders of World Language programs with professional development, advocacy efforts, networking opportunities, access to resources, and the development and administration of the NYSAWLA Regional Checkpoint A & B Language Exams. NYSAWLA also holds a yearly conference for world language educators. For more information, please visit their website.
There are world language organizations in each region of New York State. Providing workshops, study groups, and a networking, these regional organizations are a great source of local support. World languages educators are encouraged to seek out these organizations and the opportunities for professional learning they provide.
The Association of Language Teachers of Orange, Ulster, Dutchess, and surrounding counties (ALOUD)
ALOUD serves languages teachers in the greater Mid-Hudson Valley. Membership benefits include:
- High quality professional learning from both locally known and NYS-recognized teachers of world languages (CTLE sponsor since 2017).
- Networking opportunities to discuss program, curricula, and professional practice;
- Reduced or free rates for ALOUD-sponsored workshops and conferences;
- Information on job postings and other area events for world language teachers;
- Contest and scholarship for middle and high school students; and
- Annual dinner with colleagues to honor retirees and scholarship recipients
For more. information, please visit their website.
For Leaders of Northern New York Languages (FLNNYL)
The mission of FLNNYL is to develop world language communication skills and cross-cultural appreciation, which are essential to create successful 21st century citizens. In order to achieve the above mission, FLNNYL will provide professional development and networking opportunities to its members in order to better serve world language students in Northern New York.
For more. information, please visit their website.
Language Educators of Central New York (LECNY)
LECNY is a professional organization made up of language teachers Pre-K-16, administrators, and post-secondary students within the seven New York counties of Cayuga, Cortland, Herkimer, Madison, Oneida, Onondaga, and Oswego. They strive to fulfill a number of initiatives including:
- Promoting the study of languages and cultures as outlined in the state and national standards.
- Serving all areas of language study including the Classics, Heritage languages, English to speakers of other languages, bilingual education, Native American languages and American Sign Language.
- Serving as a liaison to other professional and educational organizations
- Establishing constructive and progressive relationships with other professional organizations.
LECNY is an approved Sponsor of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE). For more. information, please visit their website.
Long Island Language Teachers (LILT)
Long Island Language Teachers, Inc. is a comprehensive organization of language educators in Nassau and Suffolk Counties. Its membership includes K-16 teachers and supervisors of World Languages, ENL (English as a New Language), and ASL (American Sign Language). Long Island Language Teachers, Inc. is a dedicated group of educators that is committed to providing opportunities to develop content knowledge, pedagogical and professional skills for the membership and its students.
For more. information, please visit their website.
New York City Association of Foreign Language Teachers/UFT (NYCAFLT/UFT)
A member organization of NYSAFLT, the New York City Association of Foreign Language Teachers/UFT (NYCAFLT/UFT) provides professional learning world language teachers in New York City public schools. The Association meets six times annually to plan conferences – in the fall and spring, respectively. Membership in the Association is open to all UFT members and both their conferences and meetings are held at UFT headquarters in lower Manhattan. For more information, please visit their website. To join their e-mail list, contact the UFT Professional Committees’ office at (212) 598-7772.
The NYSAFLT Rochester Regional Planning Committee is a group of highly-dedicated world language professionals from the Western New York Region whose goal is to organize and produce an annual conference. The annual conference seeks to address current critical issues in world language education including best practices, public advocacy, technology in the classroom, and concerns within the profession. We strive to represent all levels of WL education as well as those taught in our area schools. The NYSAFLT Rochester Regional Planning Committee meets once a month from August through March on the Nazareth College campus. The conference registration fee is waived for those serving on the planning committee. Committee members will be expected to maintain regular attendance at the meetings and contribute to the conference planning process.
For more. information, please visit their website.
Putnam, Westchester Regions Foreign Language (PWRFL) Educators
The Putnam, Westchester Regions Foreign Language Educators is a not-for-profit educational organization for the benefit of world language teachers in the area serving the counties of Westchester and Putnam. They offer exciting, fun, informative events throughout the school year to help world language educators in the classroom! PWRFL is an approved Sponsor of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE).
For more. information, please visit their website.
Western New York Foreign Language Educators Council (WNYFLEC)
WNYFLEC serves world language educators in Western New York. They offer a fall meeting, an annual conference, and the S.T.A.R. Awards ceremony to honor student achievement. The organization was established to:
- Help educators, from both public and private schools, to keep abreast of current trends in the profession.
- Support and improve Foreign Language education.
- Bring teachers together both socially and professionally to exchange ideas and experiences.
- Serve as a catalyst for the implementation of state and national initiatives.
- Develop extra-curricular activities for Foreign Language students (i.e.: Poster Contest, Awards Ceremony)
- Promote the articulation of Foreign Languages from early education through post secondary education.
"We work. We teach. We WNYFLEC." For more information, please visit their website.
American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL)
The American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) is dedicated to the improvement and expansion of the teaching and learning of all languages at all levels of instruction. ACTFL is an individual membership organization of more than 12,500 language educators and administrators from elementary through graduate education, as well as government and industry. From the development of Proficiency Guidelines, to its leadership role in the creation of national standards, ACTFL focuses on issues that are critical to the growth of both the profession and the individual teacher.
National Council of State Supervisors for Language (NCSSFL)
NCSSFL is an organization of education agency personnel from across the United States who have the responsibility of foreign/world language education at the state level. NCSSFL benefits from the support of designated representatives from states that do not yet have education agency personnel in foreign/world language education, from organizations whose missions include world language education, and from retired educators who have served in these roles.
Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (NECTFL)
The Northeast Conference on the Teaching of Foreign Languages serves educators in all languages (including classical, less commonly taught, and ESL), at all levels from kindergarten through university, in both public and private settings. In existence since the late 1940s, NECTFL is the largest of five regional associations of its kind in the United States, representing educators from Maine to Virginia but exercising leadership nation-wide.
Other National World Language Associations
AAS - Association for Asian Studies
AATA - American Association of Teachers of Arabic
AATF - American Association of Teachers of French
AATG - American Association of Teachers of German
AATI - American Association of Teachers of Italian
AATK - American Association of Teachers of Korean
AATSEEL - American Association of Teachers of Slavic and Eastern European Languages
AATSP - American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese
AATT - American Association of Teachers of Turkic Languages
ACTR - American Council of Teachers of Russian
ALTA - African Languages Teachers Association
APA - American Philological Association
ASLTA - American Sign Language Teachers Association
ATJ - Association of Teachers of Japanese
CLCA - Cantonese Language and Culture Association
CLASS - Chinese Language Association for Secondary -Elementary - School
CLTA - Chinese Language Teachers Association
NAACLT - North American Association for Celtic Language Teachers
NCJLT - National Council of Japanese Language Teachers
NORTANA - Norwegian Researchers and Teachers Association of North America