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Teacher Centers

The Office of Educational Design and Technology acts as the program office for the statewide network of Teacher Resource and Computer Training Centers, Regional Networks, Standing Committees and statewide projects. The program office provides oversight, leadership, and guidance to this Teacher Center network on the grant application process, as well as a wide variety of topics related to NYS Learning Standards and school improvement.

Teacher Centers provide direct assistance with the development and training of school district Professional Development Planning Committees and mentoring programs that are required under Commissioner’s Regulations 100.2 (dd). The Centers are governed through Education Law 316 and Commissioner’s Regulations Part 81 provides further guidance.

For information, see NYS Teacher Center History.

New York State Teacher Center History

New York’s Teacher Resource and Computer Training Centers were established by the New York State Legislature in 1984 under Education Law 316.  The initial appropriation of $3.5 million established 44 Teacher Centers throughout the State. The Legislature continues to approve Teacher Center funding through 2017-18, with an appropriation of $20 million, supporting 126 Teacher Centers, 6 Regional Networks, 3 Statewide Committees and 2 Statewide Projects. Appropriations for Teacher Centers are not automatically part of the State budget and are reviewed annually. One of the unique characteristics of Teacher Centers is that they are operated by a board, the majority of which are composed of elementary and secondary school teachers served by the center.

Teacher Centers have led the integration of technology into curriculum and instruction in New York State. They have collaborated with teachers, BOCES, districts, schools, institutions of higher education, and other education stakeholders, including several business agreements, to provide over 44,000 professional development opportunities every year, many aligned with and/or directly supporting state initiatives and local school improvement goals.

Teacher Centers have also been, and continue to be, primary supporters and trainers of the development and implementation of New York’s Professional Development Plan requirement and its alignment with the NYS Professional Development Standards.  Centers support National Board Certification, participation by school teams in the National Writing Project, and provide coaching and mentoring services in support of NYSED’s Annual Professional Performance Review requirement.

All Teacher Center professional development offerings are developed after significant consultation with teachers, involving surveys of teacher needs, teacher development and presentation of programs, and teacher evaluation of the effectiveness of the professional development they have received.

New York State Teacher Centers are SED approved providers of Continuing Teacher and Leader Education (CTLE).

New York State Teacher Center Locations