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Multiple Pathways

Multiple pathways recognize the importance of engaging students in rigorous and relevant academic programs.  The pathway options recognize students’ interests in the Arts; Career and Technical Education (CTE); Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS); Civics; Humanities; Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM); and World Languages.

Arts Pathway

The student must complete:

Career and Technical Education (CTE) Pathway

The student must successfully complete:

Career Development and Occupational Studies (CDOS) Pathway

Option 1 for Earning the CDOS Commencement Credential

The student must meet each of the following requirements:

  1. Development of a Career Plan
    • Including documentation of student’s:
      • Self-identified career interests
      • Career-related strengths and needs
      • Career goals
      • Career and technical (CTE) coursework and work-based learning experiences the student intends to engage in to achieve their career goals
    • * Model Career Plan (model only - format of career plan is locally decided)
    • A copy of the student's Career Plan in effect during the school year in which the student exits high school must be maintained in the student's permanent record.
  2. Demonstrated achievement of the commencement level CDOS learning standards in the areas of:
    • Career exploration and development (Standard 1)
    • Integrated learning (Standard 2)
    • Universal foundation skills (Standard 3a)
  3. Successful completion of at least 216 hours of CTE coursework and/or work-based learning
    • Note: Students must complete a minimum of 54 hours of work-based learning; however, all 216 hours could be work-based learning.
  4. At least one employability profile, completed within one year prior to student's exit from high school, documenting student’s:
    • Employability skills and experiences
    • Attainment of each of the commencement level CDOS learning standards
    • As appropriate, attainment of:
      • Technical knowledge and work-related skills
      • Work experiences
      • Performance on industry-based assessments
      • Other work-related and academic achievements
      • Employability Profile Model Form (model only - format of employability profile is locally decided)
        • PLEASE NOTE:  This sample employability profile does not meet the requirements for NYSED-approved CTE programs since it does not have a space for technical skills.  For assistance on developing an employability profile for NYSED-approved CTE programs, please contact the CTE team at
    • A copy of the student's work skills employability profile(s) shall be maintained in the student's permanent record.

Option 2 for Earning the CDOS Commencement Credential

The student must meet the requirements for one of the NYSED-Approved Pathway Assessments in Career Development and Occupational Studies.

CDOS Commencement Credential Resources

Frequently Asked Questions

NYS CDOS Commencement Credential Frequently Asked Questions, updated June 2023

Model Forms

Civics Pathway

The student must successfully complete the Seal of Civic Readiness requirements.

Humanities Pathway

The student must complete:

  • an additional social studies or English language arts course culminating in a Regents Exam or NYSED-Approved Regents Examination Alternative; and
  • earn an acceptable score on the culminating Regents Exam or NYSED-Approved Regents Examination Alternative.
Individual Arts Assessment Pathway (IAAP)

The student must successfully complete the Individual Arts Assessment Pathway (IAAP) requirements.

STEM Pathway

The student must complete:

  • an additional science or mathematics course culminating in a Regents or NYSED-Approved Regents Examination Alternative; and
  • earn an acceptable score on the culminating Regents Exam or NYSED-Approved Regents Examination Alternative.
World Languages Pathway

The student must successfully complete: