Health Guidance & Resources
Guidance Document to Achieving New York State Learning Standards in Health
This guidance document provides local educational agencies with a framework for developing health curricula and implementing instructional and assessment strategies. This document is intended for use by administrators and school health education personnel. Every attempt has been made to ensure that the information and resources contained in this document reflect best practice in health education. This document is not intended as a mandate and is to be used for guidance purposes only. Any local curricula or instructional strategies developed based upon this document, in whole or in part, should be reviewed through normal district procedures and be consistent with local community values and needs. (Updated 4/25/14)
Resources for Health Education Curriculum Development
- Youth Development Survey (YDS) and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS)
- Health Education Curriculum Analysis Tool (HECAT)
- The HECAT can help school districts, schools, and others conduct a clear, complete, and consistent analysis of health education curricula based on the National Health Education Standards and CDC’s Characteristics of an Effective Health Education Curriculum. Results of the HECAT results can help schools select or develop appropriate and effective health education curricula and improve the delivery of health education. The HECAT can be customized to meet local community needs and conform to the curriculum requirements of the state or school district.
Additional Health Resources
- Condom Availability
- Drop the Vape– Text-Based Quit Vaping Program for Youth and Young Adults
- Evidence-Based E-Cigarettes and Vaping Webinar, and an E-Cigarettes Learning Page available at the NYS Center for School Health, a contracted technical assistance resource center for the NYSED, with additionally resources located at the NYSDOH Get the Facts Website.
- Evidence-Based Program Guidance for Substance Use Prevention Education in Schools, December 2020
- Gambling Resources
- Organ and Tissue Donation
- Sepsis Information
Health Related Resources provided by the Office of SSS Health Services Website
- Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation and AED studies; Associated with Commissioner's Regulations Part 100.2(c)(11)
- Guidance for HIV/AIDS Prevention Education
- Guidance for Providing Educational Resources to Address Substance Abuse, January 02, 2019
- Guide for Suicide Prevention for School Personnel, February 2022
- Supplemental Guidance: Resource Packet for Heroin and Opioids; Memo Re: Clarification/Modernization of Health Ed Law
New York State Youth Risk Behavior Survey
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s (CDC) Youth Risk Behavior Survey (YRBS) monitors health behaviors that contribute to the leading causes of death, disability, and social problems among youth - YRBSS | DASH | CDC.
The New York State Center for School Health (NYSCSH) is a contracted technical assistance center for the Education Department. The NYSCSH facilitates the administration of the New York State (NYS) YRBS to high schools randomly selected by the CDC in odd numbered years.
New York State School Health Profiles Survey
The CDC’s School Health Profiles (SHP) is a survey to assess school health policies and practices in schools - School Health Profiles | DASH | CDC.
The NYSCSH facilitates the administration of the NYS SHP to middle and high school principals randomly selected by the CDC in even numbered years. Surveyed principals are requested to provide the contact information for their lead health education teacher to complete a portion of the SHP.
Resources developed from the New York State SHP and YRBS data can be found on the NYSCSH YRBS and SHP website.
These initiatives are supported by funding received from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
School Mental Health Education
Research has shown that the quality of the school climate may be the single most predictive factor in any school’s capacity to promote student achievement. When young people are educated about mental health, the likelihood increases they will be able to effectively recognize signs and symptoms in themselves and others and will know where to turn for help. Health education that respects the importance of mental health, as well as the challenges of mental illness, will help young people and their families and communities feel more comfortable seeking help, improve academic performance and, most importantly, even save lives. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), “focusing on establishing healthy behaviors during childhood is more effective than trying to change unhealthy behaviors during adulthood.” An equally important part of this conversation is to help students identify risk and protective factors, as learning and resiliency can result in positive decision-making and life-long success, which are the primary goals of health and education.
Board of Regents Items
- May 2018, the NYSED Board of Regents Permanently Adopted Proposed Amendments to Sections 135.1 and 135.3 of the Commissioner’s Regulations. To view the amendments, the NYS Mental Health Education Advisory Council’s Panel Presentation to the Board of Regents, the Advisory Council Membership and the twenty-six recommendations please click on the following NYS Board of Regents Mental Health Education May 2018.
- January 2018 Proposed Amendment to Sections 135.1 and 135.3 of the Commissioner’s Regulations Relating to Mental Health Education in Schools; and the NYS Mental Health Education Advisory Council.
Department Memos
- Clarification on the Board of Regent’s adoption of Commissioner’s Regulations on Health Education (May 2018). Schools should utilize the wealth of education resources to develop and/or adopt their own curriculum aligned with the New York State Learning Standards, and tailor instruction and programs based on local level needs.
Educational Resources
- September 2018 School Mental Health Resource and Training Center established by the Mental Health Association in New York State, Inc. (MHANYS) is to help schools comply with the new law. The Center provides free online mental health training (CTLE-eligible) and instructional resources for educators, as well as mental health resources for parents and guardians, students and community-based mental health providers.
- October 2019 (updated) Mental Health Education Literacy in Schools: Linking to a Continuum of Well-Being Comprehensive Guide
- September 2018 (updated) Informational Page
- September 2018 (updated) Mental Health Education Literacy in Schools Power Point
- May 2018 New York State Education Department's Office of Student Support Services promotes school improvement by focusing on social and emotional development and learning through various programs, services and activities supporting health and well-being.
- August 2016 Mental Health Resources for Educators
Other Resources
- NYS Center for School Health
- CDC Childrens Mental Health
- New York State Office of Mental Health
- Mental Health Association in New York State, Inc
- New York State Department of Health
- NYS Office of Alcoholism and Substance Abuse Services (OASAS)
- CDC Healthy Schools
- Shindler, J., Jones, A., Williams, A.D., Taylor, C., Cardenia, H. (2016). The school climate-student achievement connection: If we want achievement gains, we need to begin by improving the climate. Journal of School Administration Research and Development 1(1), 9-16.
May 2018 memo announcing release of Tick and Tick-borne Disease Resource Toolkit
Schools are encouraged to consider the inclusion of tick and tick-borne disease education within a sequential and comprehensive Pre-K through 12 health education program.
According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), many people do not know they are at risk each year for tick-borne illness. Each year more than 30,000 cases of Lyme disease are reported nationwide. Therefore, it is critical that students, families, communities and schools are aware of prevention strategies along with additional precautions to protect against being bitten by ticks and possibly developing a tick-borne disease. In a coordinated effort to bring more awareness, education, and knowledge to the forefront, the New York State Education Department and the New York State Center for School Health, in collaboration with the New York State Department of Health, New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, New York State Library and other organizations, have developed a Tick and Tick-borne Disease Resource Toolkit and are encouraging the inclusion of tick and tick-borne disease education be considered in a sequential and comprehensive Pre-K through 12 health education program.
Toolkit includes:
- Tick and Tickborne Disease: Prevention School Webinar; presentation can be used to educate Boards of Education, school staff, community members and secondary level students;
- Lyme Disease and Ticks Customizable Webinar; brief customizable presentation for educators (Grades Pre-K - 6);
- Education Strategies; sample lesson plans and resources linked to the New York Learning Standards for Health Education (Grades Pre-K – 12);
- Infographic; prevent, identify and respond to ticks and tick disease (Grades 4-12);
- Resources-clickable links to resources for schools, caregivers and community members;
- Parent/guardian outdoor field trip notification; customizable sample informing parents/guardians about tick prevention and repellant application; and
- Acknowledgement chart of reviewers.
For additional information please visit the NYS Education Department’s Office of Student Support Services and the New York State Center for School Health.