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Financial Aid and Tuition Assistance Program (TAP)
This site contains information on a number of topics and resources related to postsecondary financial aid and the Tuition Assistance Program (TAP).
FAFSA Completion Initiative FAQs
(Version 3-6-2025)
1. How do we determine whether a student has applied for financial aid? Do we take their word for it or is there a mechanism to keep track of who is applying for financial aid?
a. Schools and districts are encouraged to visit the HESC website ( to review resources that may be useful in meeting the new FAFSA completion requirements. The FAFSA Completion Initiative enables HESC to share specific, limited information regarding FAFSA and TAP form completions with high schools and school districts across New York, providing customized reports critical for measuring students' progress in completing these forms. For example, schools and districts can access student-level information by joining HESC’s FAFSA Completion Initiative and entering into a data-sharing agreement. Data access and security agreements are available for review at
Alternatively, school districts may develop their own process to comply with the new requirements.
2. Will high schools receive a report from NYSED that provides data on which students have completed their FASFAs?
a. No, NYSED will not be providing a report back to schools with data on which students have completed their FASFAs.
3. Where do school districts report FAFSA completion data and what is the deadline for reporting?
a. Per the enacted budget provision, each school district must annually report data for all seniors enrolled in such district, aggregated by high school, on or after July 1, 2025*. Guidance on submitting this information will be made available on the following website, under “FAFSA Completion Initiative - Resources” accordion button.
4. Are school districts able to create and use their own waiver form or are we required to use the one that the state has created?
a. School districts may choose to create their own waiver form. A waiver form that is developed locally must be secure and contain the elements required in the law.
5. Is there a copy of the waiver in different languages?
a. NYSED will not be providing translations of the waiver into different languages. School districts can translate NYSED’s waiver form into languages that will best serve the students and families within their districts.
6. Do nonpublic schools or charter schools have any obligations under the FASFA Completion Initiative?
a. Nonpublic schools and charter schools are not required to collect or submit this information.
7. Does this new initiative require BOCES to collect and submit FAFSA completion data for full-day programs or will the information be submitted by the home district?
a. Information for students attending BOCES programming will be submitted by their districts of residence.
8. Is it permissible to store FAFSA waiver information digitally in school records?
a. Storage is a local decision that should be made in accordance with a school district’s data minimization policies. Such information may be destroyed after the data is tabulated. However, if a school district chooses to store FAFSA information, it should ensure that this information is secured to the same extent as other personally identifiable information that it maintains.
9. Can parent/student signatures be obtained electronically? If so, can districts utilize a student management application such as Parent Square?
a. Digital signatures are acceptable. The use of Education Law Section 2-d compliant student management platforms is a local decision.
10. What if some parents refuse to sign the waiver?
a. Districts should make every reasonable effort to collect the FAFSA completion data and submit whatever responses they have received by the deadline. The legislation prohibits students from being penalized if their parents or guardians do not comply with the above requirements.
11. Will there be a grace period for the 2024-2025 year if districts cannot obtain all required signatures?
a. No. Per the enacted budget provision, the deadline for submitting FAFSA completion data to the Department is July 1, 2025. Protocols for submitting this information will made available on the following website, under “FAFSA Completion Initiative - Resources” accordion button.
12. Where can districts and students find information on state-sponsored scholarships and financial aid?
Please visit the following website:
- Guidance on waivers of full-time study requirement for select scholarship programs (Per Amendment of Section 145-2.1 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education) (1/25)
- Amendment of Section 145-2.1 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education Relating to the Eligibility Criteria for New York State Financial Aid (8/24)
- Amendment of Section 145-2.4 of the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education Relating to the Deferment of the Declaration of a Major by Matriculated Students for State Financial Aid Purposes (5/23)
- 'Last Semester' and 'Semester Prior to Last Semester' Options pertaining to NYS Financial Aid (including NYS TAP) (10/19)
High School Equivalency information for the NYS Tuition Assistance Program:
- State High School Equivalency Diploma - Commissioner's Regulations 100.7
- December 2015 - the amendment of section 100.7
- High School Diploma for WWII, Korea, and Vietnam veterans who left high school before graduating (Section 305 of the NYS Education Law). Operation Recognition
Ability to Benefit Testing:
It is important to note for NYS institutions of higher education utilizing the ATB for eligibility for the NYS Tuition Assistance Program (TAP); the ATB must be administered in accordance with the requirements found in subsection 145-2.15 of the Commissioner's Regulations.
- Link to all of the New York State Codes, Rules and Regulations (Navigate specifically to NYCRR, Title 8, Chapter II, Subpart I, Part 145)
Additional information on Ability to Benefit can be found on the OCUE website via the following links:
- For an individual complaint about state student financial aid matters:contact the Higher Education Services Corporation (HESC) Customer Communications Center at 1-888-NYS-HESC. or 1- 888-697-4372 or 1-518-473-1574
- For a complaint about the educational programs or practices of degree-granting institutions subject to the Regulations of the Commissioner of Education see the information on the Office of College and University Evaluation complaint process
Higher Education in New York State:
Statutes and Commissioner's Regulations pertaining to State Financial Assistance:
- Link to all of the New York State Codes, Rules and Regulations (Navigate specifically to NYCRR, Title 8, Chapter II, Subpart I, Part 145)
Chief Executive Officer Memorandums concerning Student Financial Assistance:
(Note: These items are provided for reference purposes only. Statutory and regulation updates may have superseded the guidance provided here.)
Links of Interest Regarding Financial Aid:
- Guidance for filing a complaint
- New York’s Tuition Assistance Program (TAP) - administered by the Higher Education Services Corporation
- Native American Education Unit
- Selected Reports on Student Financial Aid at New York State Colleges and Universities
- Additional information concerning other student financial aid programs can be obtained from high school counselors, college financial aid officers, and/or the: New York State Higher Education Services Corporation, Division of Grants and Scholarships/Scholarship Unit, 99 Washington Avenue, Albany, NY 12255 or
1- 888-697-4372 or 1-518-473-1574
For more information on the Senator José Peralta New York State DREAM Act, visit
Contact Information
New York State Education Department
Office of Postsecondary Access, Support, and Success
89 Washington Avenue, EBA 960
Albany, New York 12234