Scholarships for Academic Excellence (SAE)
The Scholarships for Academic Excellence (SAE) provide high school students that are the top student(s) in their respective high school at the end of their junior year with a scholarship to attend an institution of higher education located in New York State.
General questions regarding Scholarships for Academic Excellence may be emailed to
For the first time, SAE scholarship nominations will be accepted through SED Monitoring only. This new online process discontinues the paper form and will increase the efficiency and management of this vital scholarship program for the students receiving the award. Any questions on SAE, its survey, or submission may be sent via email to The deadline for submission has been extended toMarch 28, 2025 |
Pending the appropriation of State funds by the New York State Legislature, 8,000 scholarships will be awarded for students graduating in 2025. Of the 8,000 scholarships, 2,000 scholarships will have a value of $1,500 each and 6,000 scholarships will have a value of $500 each.
Contact Information:
New York State Education Department
Office of Postsecondary Access, Support, and Success
Scholarships for Academic Excellence (SAE)
89 Washington Avenue, EBA 960
Albany, New York 12234
The information collected on the application for the Scholarships for Academic Excellence is collected under the authority of the New York State Education Department Law 605 and Regulations of the Commissioner of Education, subpart 145-1. Each individual has the right to review personal information maintained by the Scholarships Unit unless exempted by law.