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Submission of Single Audits or Program-Specific Audits

Uniform Guidance 2 CFR 200 states that non-federal entities that expend $750,000 or more (applicable to fiscal years beginning prior to October 1, 2024) or $1,000,000 or more (applicable to fiscal years beginning on or after October 1, 2024) in federal awards during their fiscal year must have a Single Audit or Program-Specific Audit conducted for that year. A Single Audit or Program-Specific Audit examines compliance with the regulations governing the use of the funds. The Office of Audit Services (OAS) determines if the Single Audit or Program-Specific Audit conforms to the Uniform Guidance, reviews all findings, and issues a management decision clearly stating whether or not the audit findings are sustained.

The process for submitting Single Audits or Program-Specific Audits is as follows: