Civic Empowerment Projects
Each school year, all schools identified for the Comprehensive Support and Improvement (CSI) model must implement a Civic Empowerment Project designed to increase student and family participation in decision making.
The Department has outlined six ways in which schools may address this requirement:
- Participatory Budgeting
- Monthly School Focus Groups
- Climate Survey Inquiry Team
- Schoolwide Voting
- Collaborative School Improvement Grant Development
- Design Your Own
These options were identified because they build on the following components: expanding stakeholder voice, providing opportunities to practice democracy, and promoting civic engagement.
Schools in the CSI Support Model will need to identify which option they intend to implement in their annual improvement plan and should be prepared to report on their implementation of their selected choice throughout the year.
The available options are described in more detail below and in the guidebooks linked at the bottom of this page.
NYSED has developed guidebooks to support schools identified for the CSI model with the implementation of their identified Engagement option and outline the parameters that schools identified for the CSI model must follow.
Participatory Budgeting Guidebook
School Climate Survey Inquiry Team Guidebook
Collaborative School Improvement Grant Development Guidebook