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Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

Annual Survey of Children in Local Institutions for Neglected and Delinquent Children or in Correctional Institutions - Fall 2021 To Be Used for Distributing Funds in FY 2021-22

Overview of the Survey

The purpose of this survey is to provide the U.S. Department of Education and the New York State Education Department with current information on the location and number of children living in institutions for neglected or delinquent children or in correctional institutions. The information will be used to compute the 2021-2022 Title I, Part D Neglected or Delinquent allocations for school districts so that eligible children in the institutions can be provided Title I-funded educational services.  Institutions must complete this survey in order for their eligible children to receive Title I, Part D, funded educational services during the 2021-2022 school year.

The category of an institution should not change from year to year unless there has been an official change in the purpose for which the institution is operated.  For example, if an institution is operated for the care of neglected children, but the majority of the children residing in the institution during October are children adjudicated to be delinquent, the institution should still be reported as an institution for neglected children until its charter or purpose is officially changed.

  • Institution for Neglected Children - A public or private residential facility (other than a foster home) that is operated primarily for the care of children who have been committed to the institution, or voluntarily placed in the institution under applicable State law, because of the abandonment by, or neglect by, or death of parents.
  • Neglected Child Count - A 30 consecutive day time frame must be chosen, with at least one of the days in the period of time being in the month of October, 2021. Count the total number of children aged 5-17 residing in an institution in which the majority of the children are "neglected".   Counts should reflect CASELOAD data for the 30-day timeframe that is chosen.  Note: A resident could be at the facility for only one day during the selected time frame and need not be in the facility for all 30 days.
  • Institution for Delinquent Children - A public or private residential facility that is operated primarily for the care of children who have been adjudicated delinquent or persons in need of supervision. The term also includes an adult correctional institution (county jail) in which youth reside.
  • Delinquent Child Count - A 30 consecutive day time frame must be chosen, with at least one of the days in the period of time being in the month of October, 2021. Count the total number of children aged 5-17 residing in an institution in which the majority of the children are "delinquent". Counts should reflect CASELOAD data for the 30-day timeframe that is chosen.

Note: A resident could be at the facility for only one day during the selected time frame and need not be in the facility for all 30 days.

Residential Facility - Children attending at a day program at the facility cannot be counted for this report.

Please review the information and submission instructions below before completing the survey. 

Directions for completing Excel workbook are listed below.

The 2021 Excel workbook is prepopulated with information for your facilities.  The information that prepopulated the forms is gathered from your submission form from 2020-21.

Submission Form

  1. When you open the Excel workbook you will note all main sites or umbrella agencies have been coded with a number, as well as each individual facility.  We will be using these numbers for future reporting as well as this child count.  Please note the tab(s) at the bottom of the Excel workbook.  The red tab is for the main submission form and the yellow tab(s) the verification form(s).
  2. Your Child Count (CC) Submission workbook has already been pre-populated.  If you have a change of contact information on the top of the form, please provide the revised information when you submit your form on the secure site (no emails).
  3. On the lower half of the submission form you will need to input:
  • Column I - the number of youth ages 5-17 years of age (shaded in green);
  • Column J - the date range used for the child count (this is a 30-day window).  Use the drop down to select the thirty-day window that works best for your facility (shaded in green).
  • Column K - indicate if the facility is Neglected (N) or Delinquent (D);
  • Column L - use the drop down to indicate Facility Type (At Risk Youth Shelter, County Jail, Drug Treatment, Group Home, Non-secure Detention, Other, Secure Detention, Special Act); and
  • Column M - in this last column indicate the facility Status (Active, Closed, New).

Verification Forms

  1. Verification forms are at the bottom of the main excel file.  The tabs are pre-populated for each site.  All verification forms are labeled with the facility name and are yellow in color.
  2. Complete one form (Tab) for each facility.
  3. All fields in green as well as the birth date column (pink) must be completed.
  4. Student first and last name may be shown using initials or unique student code.
  5. Youth aged 5-17 years of age are eligible to be counted.  Youth may not be counted if they have not turned five prior to the start of the count window or if they have turned 18 prior to the start of the count window.
  6. The birthdate column has been reformatted.  As you input birthdates please remember that youth that have turned 18 prior to the start of the count are not eligible to be counted. 
    ​The column appears as pink prior to entering birthdates.
    ​- The column will turn white if the birthdate is within the eligible age range.
    - The column will remain pink if the birthdate is outside the eligible age range (the youth will not be added to the count).
    - The column will turn yellow if the birthdate indicates the youth is too young to be counted.
    - The column will turn blue if the birthdate needs to be checked by NYSED.If a youth turns 18 during the window of the child count, they may be counted as long as they turn 18 after the start date of the count.
  7. Placement in facility is a drop down (County, Court, CSE Residential Only, OMH, Other, PINS, Private and Social Service)


Save the Excel workbook as labeled when it was sent to your facility.


Upload files to secure server at