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Parent Resources

The purpose of this webpage is to provide resources available to parents and guardians to support the education of students with disabilities. Please check back periodically for the most up-to-date information.
Appeals, Safety Nets, and Superintendent Determination (Graduation Options)
Associations and Organizations
  • The Brain Injury Association of New York State (BIANYS) is a statewide organization providing assistance to families of children who have a brain injury.
  • The Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) is a nonpartisan, nationwide, nonprofit organization of public officials who head departments of elementary and secondary education in the states, the District of Columbia, the Department of Defense Education Activity, and five U.S. extra-state jurisdictions. CCSSO provides leadership, advocacy, and technical assistance on major educational issues.
  • provides quick and easy access to comprehensive information about disability programs, services, laws and benefits. 

  • The National Center for Education Statistics is the primary federal entity for collecting and analyzing data that are related to education in the United States and other nations. Find information on the Nation's Report Card which assesses the academic performance of fourth, eighth, and twelfth graders in a range of subjects. 
  • The New York State PTA has more than 385,000 members statewide in over 1500 local units and councils in 16 districts. Members include parents, teachers, and other child advocates. This Website includes information on the New York State and National PTA convention, local and national PTA news, and legislative news.
  • NYSARC, Inc.  is the largest not-for-profit agency in the nation supporting people with intellectual and other developmental disabilities, governed and led by family members. Through 55 Chapters, NYSARC offers services and supports encompassing all aspects of a person’s life, from birth through end-of-life care, including: early intervention, health care, education, preparation for employment, help in finding and keeping a job, independent living, skill training, and recreation activities.
Continuum of Special Education Services

The Continuum of Special Education Services for school-age students with disabilities is an array of services to meet an individual student's needs.

Individualized Education Program (IEP)

The Individualized Education Program (IEP) is the tool that ensures a student has access to the general education curriculum and is provided the appropriate learning opportunities, accommodations, adaptations, specialized services and supports needed for the student to progress towards achieving the learning standards and to meet his or her unique needs related to the disability. Each student with a disability must have an IEP in effect by the beginning of each school year.  

Mediation and Dispute Resolution
  • All school districts must offer special education mediation as a means to resolve disputes relating to the identification, evaluation, educational placement or the provision of a free appropriate public education to a child with a disability. Request for Special Education Mediation
  • If a parent, individual or organization believes that a school district or public agency has violated a requirement of Part B of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) or State law/regulation related to the education of students with disabilities, they may submit a written, signed State complaint to the New York State Education Department. Sample State Complaint Form
  • You may request an impartial hearing to resolve a disagreement about the referral, evaluation or placement of a student or regarding the provision of a free appropriate public education for a student under the IDEA. Sample Due Process Complaint Notice Form To Request An Impartial Hearing
OSE Educational Partnership

The OSE Educational Partnership is a coordinated and cohesive network of support focused on enhancing services and supports for students with disabilities from early childhood and school-age education to engagement in post-school opportunities.

Preschool Special Education

Parents and guardians can find guidance, resources, approved schools, and applications related to the education of preschool students with disabilities on the Office of Special Education Preschool webpage

Procedural Safeguards Notice: Rights for Parents of Children with Disabilities

The Procedural Safeguards Notice must be provided to parents of a student with a disability at a minimum of one time per year and also upon:

  • initial referral or parental request for evaluation;
  • request by a parent;
  • the first filing of a due process complaint notice to request mediation or an impartial due process hearing;
  • a decision to impose a suspension or removal that constitutes a disciplinary change in placement; and
  • receipt of a parent’s first State complaint in a school year.
Questions relating to the Procedural Safeguards Notice may be directed to the Special Education Policy Unit at 518-473-2878 or sends e-mail) or the Special Education Quality Assurance Office in your region.
Scholarships & Financial Aid

The Accredited Schools Online Scholarships & Financial Aid for Students with Disabilities webpage includes information on special financial aid and scholarship opportunities for students with disabilities. 

Special Education Quality Assurance Regional Offices

Special Education Quality Assurance (SEQA) oversees preschool and school-age special education services through a quality assurance review process that emphasizes attainment of positive results for student with disabilities. Regional Associates, located in several quality assurance offices across New York State, coordinate the review process and also provide technical assistance to parents, school district personnel, and private providers.

Our regional offices are here to help you. If you have general questions about special education or have a specific question about special education services, please contact the Quality Assurance office located in your region. When contacting the regional office, please identify your county, school district or special education program so that you may be directed to the appropriate Regional Associate.

State Agencies

There are a variety of resources and supports for families and students with disabilities available through New York state agencies.  

United States Department of Education (USDOE)


Disclaimer of Endorsement

The documents posted on this server contain hypertext links or pointers to information created and maintained by other public and private organizations. These links and pointers are provided for the user's convenience. The New York State Education Department does not control or guarantee the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of this outside information. Further, the inclusion of links or pointers to particular items in hypertext is not intended to reflect their importance, nor is it intended to endorse any views expressed, or products or services offered, on these outside sites, or the organizations sponsoring the sites.