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The forms section of the Pupil Transportation Unit website is designed to have all forms in one central location for ease of use.  This section contains the following forms:   

  • Transportation Contract Forms
    • Transportation Contract Form
    • Transportation Contract Summer Form
    • Transportation Contract Summer Form
    • Contract Extension Summer Form
    • Signature Pages
  • Transportation Lease Forms
    • Bus Lease Form
    • Charging Station Lease Form
    • Garage Lease Form
    • Signature Page
  • Transportation Aid Forms
    • Approval Request for Purchase of Equipment 
    • Approval Request for Related Services
    • Approval Request for Efficiency Study
    • Signature Page


The New Pupil Transportation Forms must be used with the SharePoint Site.
All old forms will not be able to be uploaded into the new Access Program from the SharePoint Site.

The Forms have been created on two platforms for: MICROSOFT USERS and GOOGLE USERS.

The SharePoint Site will only be able to upload Microsoft Excel (.xlsx) forms.

If you are a Microsoft Excel user please click the link and form will open in excel.
Complete the form in Excel and save the form using the proper format. 

For CONTRACTS the format is:  “CONTRACT FORM TYPE” underscore “SED CODE” underscore “School Year” underscore “CSEQ”.

If form is a transportation contract for the school year the format would be TC_SEDCODE_YYYY_CSEQ.
If form is a transportation contract extension for the school year the format would be TCE_SEDCODE_YYYY_CSEQ.
If form is a summer transportation contract for summer school the format would be TCS_SEDCODE_YYYY_CSEQ.
If form is a contract extension summer for summer school the format would be CES_SEDCODE_YYYY_CSEQ.

For a signature page the format would be SGP_SEDCODE_YYYY_CSEQ.

For LEASES the format is:  “LEASE FORM TYPE” underscore “SED CODE” underscore “School Year” underscore “LSEQ”.

If form is a bus lease form the format would be BLF_SEDCODE_YYYY_LSEQ.
If form is a charging station lease form the format would be CLF_SEDCODE_YYYY_LSEQ.
If form is a garage lease form the format would be GLF_SEDCODE_YYYY_LSEQ.

For a signature page the format would be SGP_SEDCODE_YYYY_LSEQ.

For AIDED ITEMS the format is:  “AID FORM TYPE” underscore “SED CODE” underscore “School Year” underscore “ASEQ”.

If form is an equipment purchase form the format would be EPF_SEDCODE_YYYY_ASEQ.
If form is an efficiency study form the format would be ESF_SEDCODE_YYYY_ASEQ.
If form is a related services form the format would be RSF_SEDCODE_YYYY_ASEQ.

For a signature page the format would be SGP_SEDCODE_YYYY_ASEQ.

If you are a Google user you will have to sign into your Google account. Click the Google link to the form you want to complete. The form will open up in "view only" mode. You will not be able to type on the view only form.
You will need to "save a copy" of the form.
You will be able to complete the saved copy of the form and remember to fill out all the sheets on the form.
Once the form is complete save in Google Sheets using the format codes above.
After the form is saved in Google Sheets, you will need to "download a copy" in Excel (.xlsx) and save that form as an Excel document.
The saved Excel (.xlsx) document will need to be uploaded to the SharePoint Site.