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February 2, 2023
For More Information Contact:

Jaclyn Keegan


The New York State Education Department Recognizes Black History Month

Resources, Online, and In-Person Programming and Public Broadcasting Events Available Throughout February Across the State

The New York State Education Department (NYSED) is proud to recognize Black History Month, held during February each year, to celebrate the rich history, culture, and contributions of African Americans. As part of this observance, the State Education Department has created social media campaigns and educational resources, including online and in-person programs through the New York State Museum and the New York State Library, as well as providing programming recommendations from the Office of New York State Public Broadcasting.

Board of Regents Chancellor Lester W. Young, Jr. said, “As we celebrate Black History Month, the Board of Regents and the New York State Education Department remain steadfast in our commitment to incorporating the principles of equity and inclusion in everything that we do. By doing so, we are supporting the notion that education acts as a powerful change agent not only for our individual students, but also for our society at large. Recognizing and expanding the value of our diverse history helps to facilitate a greater appreciation for the diversity of our shared American culture and experiences.”

State Education Commissioner Betty A. Rosa said, “Black History is American history, and each year at this time, it is important not only to celebrate the achievements, contributions, and culture of Black Americans, but it is also important to remember to reflect upon the pervasive impacts of racial inequality and systematic racism we strive to overcome as a society. These events and programs provide an opportunity for personal growth and increased awareness. Learning about others encourages acceptance and support of diversity, equity, and inclusion, thus enabling a more expansive and honest view of the world.”

New York State Museum:

New York State Library:

New York State Public Broadcasting:

New York State Archives Partnership Trust: 

  • As part of the Online Speaker Series, the New York State Archives Partnership Trust presents Authors Enid Gort and John Caher to discuss their new book, A Bridge to Justice: The Life of Franklin H. Williams. This online event is scheduled for Tuesday, February 7th, at 12:30 p.m.  

Social Media:

  • #BlackHistoryMonth: Throughout the month, NYSED will feature historical figures in Black History on the Department’s Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn accounts. These figures include civil rights pioneers, the first African American woman to travel in space, and trailblazers in business and industry.
  •  #MyHistoryMyFuture: The State Education Department, together with Education Trust—New York, is highlighting New York State My Brother’s Keeper (MBK) students throughout the month on social media, including Twitter and Facebook. The #MyHistoryMyFuture campaign features inspiring quotes from outstanding students who are sharing how MBK has changed their lives and what their hopes and dreams are for the future.
  • #StudentsExhibitingMLK: Together with the New York State Office of General Services, the New York State Education Department is highlighting artwork by students from across New York that honors Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.’s messages of equality, love, and peace. This campaign may be viewed on the Department’s Twitter, Facebook, and LinkedIn accounts. View the #NYSMLK Student Art and Essay Exhibit online or in person on the Empire State Plaza North Concourse in Albany.