State Education Department Releases 2021-22 Final State Assessment Results
Now available on the Department’s website is the ACCESS Master file with the final 2021-22 state assessment data for the assessments listed below. It is labeled “Report Card Database.” Please note: 1) these final data are available months earlier than in previous years, and 2) the file is very large and may take time to download.
- Grades 3-8 English Language Arts by district and school
- Grades 3-8 Mathematics by district and school
- Grades 4 & 8 Science by district and school
- Annual Regents Examinations by district and school
- Total Cohort Regents Examinations by district and school
- New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT) by district and school
- New York State Alternate Assessments by district and school
In addition, a file with the Grades 3-8 ELA & Math test refusals data by district is available.
Statement from Emily DeSantis, NYSED Spokesperson, “Multiple measures of student learning, including state assessments, are used at the local level to help shape individualized learning plans, so students have the supports they need. NYSED has distributed federal CARES, CRSSA, and ARP funding to help schools and districts address the unique learning needs of students and lost instruction time caused by the pandemic. We remain committed to fostering high-quality instructional opportunities that provide authentic measures of deeper learning.
“We appreciate and recognize the importance of making 2021-22 data publicly available as soon as possible following two years of pandemic disruption. Today, the Department is releasing all final 2021-22 state assessment data in its raw format, which is months earlier than in past years. We continue to work to populate the data on”
Subgroup | % of Students at Levels 3 & 4 | Number Tested |
All Students | 46.6 | 927,317 |
American Indian or Alaska Native | 41.2 | 7,045 |
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander | 69.4 | 104,449 |
Black or African American | 36.3 | 157,624 |
Hispanic or Latino | 36.3 | 268,572 |
Multiracial | 48.6 | 30,062 |
White | 52.0 | 359,565 |
English Language Learner | 13.4 | 88,253 |
Students with Disabilities | 15.5 | 160,161 |
Economically Disadvantaged | 36.7 | 543,320 |
Subgroup | % of Students at Levels 3 & 4 | Number Tested |
All Students | 38.6 | 868,294 |
American Indian or Alaska Native | 31.7 | 6,533 |
Asian or Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander | 67.1 | 96,188 |
Black or African American | 24.1 | 145,659 |
Hispanic or Latino | 25.5 | 257,324 |
Multiracial | 41.6 | 27,923 |
White | 46.6 | 334,667 |
English Language Learner | 14.8 | 96,795 |
Students with Disabilities | 13.1 | 150,827 |
Economically Disadvantaged | 27.6 | 510,935 |
Due to the ongoing impacts of COVID-19, it may not be appropriate to compare 2021-22 NYS standardized assessment results with results from prior years. Multiple measures are needed to evaluate the effectiveness of educational programs and successfully prepare students for college, careers, and civic engagement.
Data in the ACCESS Master file are the same as the data that will populate the website. The process to upload and populate the data website is ongoing and is expected to be completed in November.
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