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April 8, 2008
For More Information Contact:

JP O'Hare

(518) 474-1201



81 Title I NYC High Schools And 27 Districts “In Need Of Improvement” Under NCLB;

44 NYC High Schools Also Identified Under Separate State Rules

A total of 81 high schools and 27 community school districts in New York City have been identified by the State Education Department as “In Need of Improvement” under the federal No Child Left Behind Act (NCLB).  Of these, 11 high schools and 1 community school district were newly identified this school year. 

In addition, 14 high schools and 2 community school districts have been removed from the Title I improvement list because they have made Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) for two consecutive years in all areas for which they were identified.   

 Under NCLB, schools receiving Title I funds that do not make AYP for two consecutive years in the same subject and grade-level with one or more groups of students are designated as Schools in Need of Improvement (“SINI”). SINI schools must take a variety of actions under federal law.

The counts announced today include high schools in New York City only. In December 2007 the Department released the statewide list of elementary and middle schools in improvement status, based on 2006-07 grade 3-8 English language arts and mathematics assessments. The counts of New York City schools today include stand-alone high schools (grades 9-12) as well as all other schools that include high school grade levels.  Information for high schools and districts outside New York City was announced on March 25.

A total of 44 high schools have also been identified as “Schools Requiring Academic Progress” (SRAP).  These schools did not receive Title I funds for the number of years required to be identified as schools “In Need of Improvement” under federal NCLB rules. Of these, four schools are newly identified. These schools are required to develop a plan for improvement in the area(s) for which they are identified. Six high schools in SRAP status in 2006-07 made sufficient progress to be placed in good standing.

This year (2007-08) in New York City, 374 schools are identified as being in Title I improvement status and 69 schools are identified as being SRAPs, for a total of 443 schools – at the elementary, middle and secondary level – in improvement status. By comparison,  in New York City last year (2006-07), 335 schools were identified as being in Title I improvement status and 86 schools were identified as being SRAPs, for a total of 421 schools – at the elementary, middle and secondary level – in improvement status.

While the number of New York City schools in improvement status rose from 2006-07 to 2007-08, it is important to note that the number of schools, overall, as well as the number of schools in good standing (that is, not in improvement status), have also risen significantly over that same timeframe. For accountability purposes, there were 1,349 public schools and 47 charter schools in 2006-07. In 2007-08, there are 1,408 public schools and 58 charter schools. Similarly, in 2006-07, 928 public schools and 45 charter schools were in good standing. And in 2007-08, 965 public schools and 51 charter schools are in good standing.  It is also important to note that this increase in identified schools occurred even though the percentage of students in New York City who were proficient on the Grade 3-8 ELA assessments rose slightly from 50.7 % to 50.8% and the percent proficient on grade 3-8 math assessment increased from 57.0% to 65.1%.

 Since last summer, the Department has been providing schools and districts with information to assist them in making judgments about whether a school or district would likely be identified for improvement and whether school choice would need to be provided to parents. To facilitate the provision of Supplemental Educational Services (SES), the Department has approved more than 300 SES providers with multiple sites across the state. These services are provided outside of regular school hours by an organization selected by the parent from the list of qualified providers. 

Schools and districts are identified for improvement based on elementary, middle and high school results in English and math, as well as elementary and middle level science results and high school completion rates.  Schools are held accountable for the achievement of students of different races and ethnic groups, students with disabilities, students with limited English proficiency, and low-income students.  Schools are accountable for these groups of students if they have 30 or more students in the group.

Some of the schools identified today as needing improvement have educational programs that have produced good results for many students. However, the identified schools have not sufficiently improved achievement for particular groups of students, most often the students with disabilities subgroup.  In other cases, 95 percent of the students did not participate in State tests as required by NCLB. 

Among other requirements, SINI schools are required to develop school improvement plans and offer public school choice.  “Schools In Need of Improvement” receive additional funding targeted toward improving achievement.

SINI schools that in subsequent years fail to make AYP on a criterion for which they have been identified are subject to additional requirements.  These schools must continue to implement their improvement plans, provide public school choice and also offer eligible students SES.  Continued failure to make AYP will result in schools being subject to corrective actions or restructuring. In some cases, school districts make a determination to phase out a school and replace it with a new one as a means to meet this restructuring requirement.

“SRAP” schools do not fall under the provisions of Title I school accountability. However, they must develop improvement plans in the area for which they are identified and may also be required to take corrective actions or to restructure.  Schools Requiring Academic Progress are not required to offer public school choice or supplemental educational services.

Districts receiving Title I funds that did not make Adequate Yearly Progress for two consecutive years at both the elementary-middle level and high school level in the same subject are designated as Districts In Need of Improvement (DINI) and must develop a Local Educational Agency (LEA) Plan within three months of being identified. DINIs that fail for two years to make Adequate Yearly Progress at every applicable grade level in the subject area for which they are identified while receiving Title I funds become a District Requiring Corrective Action. These districts must conduct and implement the recommendations of a curriculum audit or risk the withholding of funds.  

One of the 81 high schools in improvement status under NCLB is a charter school. 

Information on New York’s accountability system is available at

The consequences for identified schools are spelled out at: