Office of Innovation and School Reform

In alignment with the New York State Education Department’s Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) and Culturally Responsive-Sustaining Education (CR-SE) Frameworks, the Office of Innovation and School Reform (OISR) remains committed to providing targeted technical assistance and support to Schools under Receivership in ensuring all students’ equitable access to high quality educational programs and Social Emotional Learning-based (SEL) services in a safe space.
OISR’s performance management and reporting schedule includes, but is not limited to, the submission of quarterly progress reports. Such key information assists the school and district community, Commissioner, and Board of Regents in determining the extent to which schools are on track to achieve their Demonstrable Improvement Indicator (DIIs) targets and the extent to which such data are used to monitor and adjust plan implementation and the improvement planning process.
Attached is the 2024-2025 Receivership School Quarter 1 Report Template districts will use to report and reflect on progress toward the implementation and utility of the application of key strategies toward meeting Demonstrable Improvement Indicator (DII) targets. Key trend data reporting remains essential in this process.
As was outlined in the August 21, 2024, 2024-2025 Performance Management, Technical Assistance and Reporting (Guidance Memo), the period for activities to be included in the Quarter 1 Report is July 23, 2024 - October 30, 2024. The Quarter 1 submission due date is October 30, 2024. Quarterly Reports should be submitted to, copying your district’s OISR Associate. As always, please feel free to contact your OISR Associate and/or email as needed.
Thank you for your shared advocacy, partnership, and collegiality as we continue to work to improve educational outcomes and ensure equitable access to high quality programs and SEL-based services to all students.
c: Jason Harmon, Deputy Commissioner, P-12 Operational Support, NYSED
Amanda Lester, OISR Supervisor, NYSED
Matthew Rider, OISR Associate, NYSED
Jermaine Hardy, OISR Associate, NYSED
Jason O’Connell, OISR Associate, NYSED
Kathleen Myers, OISR Associate, NYSED