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District Superintendents
Superintendents of Public Schools
Public School Leaders
Charter School Leaders
Regional Information Center Directors
Level 1 Primary and Secondary Project Managers
Rose M. LeRoy
Reporting 2022-23 School Year Data
September 29, 2022

This memo highlights revisions and additions to the public school district, Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES), and charter school data collection requirements and deadlines for reporting 2022-23 school year (SY) data to the New York State Education Department (NYSED) via the Student Information Repository System (SIRS) and the Basic Education Data System (BEDS) Institutional Master File (IMF).

In addition to the specified due dates for data outlined in the SIRS data reporting timeline, the Department will extract and use data throughout the school year as needed. Data extracts throughout the year may be required for State and federal reporting purposes, NYSED program office use, and other necessary purposes. Therefore, it is imperative that districts, BOCES, and charter schools have data collection and input processes in place early in the school year to ensure data are as complete and accurate as possible throughout the entire calendar year. Applicable accountability determinations and all related State and federal reporting will be completed with data submitted by public school districts, BOCES, and charter schools as of Friday, August 18, 2023.

The reporting requirements described in this memo apply to all school districts and their schools, BOCES, and charter schools. Please share this information with district, BOCES, and school personnel who are responsible for data reporting and verification.

Dates for data collected through other NYSED collection systems are posted on the program office web pages. Please review these dates carefully to ensure all data are reported in a timely and accurate manner. As necessary, additional dates may be added to the timeline or modified and communicated to your Regional Information Center (RIC)/Big 5 scanning centers as they become available. Your RIC/scanning center will require data to be submitted earlier than the dates listed on the NYSED timeline to allow sufficient time for processing. You must work with your RIC/scanning center timeline.

If you have questions about earlier RIC/scanning center dates or data contained in SIRS, please contact your RIC (Regional Information Center) or Big 5 Data Coordinator. For a list of RIC contacts, see RIC/Big 5 Contacts. For other commonly asked questions and answers please see the Office of Information and Reporting Services (IRS) Datasupport Help Center pages.

2022-23 New SIRS Data Collection and Reporting Requirements and Reminders

The deadline to submit 2022-23 data to the SIRS is August 18, 2023. Staff Evaluation and Level 0 Historical data have different due dates. Please see the SIRS Timeline for other reporting deadlines.


What to Know

Program Service Codes

Assessment Codes

  • A separate memo will be forthcoming with information on Graduation and Regents Exemptions for August 2022 Regents assessments.

Staff and Course Reporting

  • 2022-23 Staff and Course updates can be found on the Teacher/Staff Data and New York State Comprehensive Course Catalog web pages.
  • The annual teacher certification match process is performed using data from the SIRS Course Instructor Assignment template. Two Cognos reports (SIRS-328 and SIRS-329) continue to be available in the Level 2 Reporting Environment (L2RPT) along with a course to certification crosswalk distributed via the IRSP which providing Local Education Agencies (LEAs) with an appropriate mapping of course codes to certification areas. All LEAs should be consulting the Cognos reports and Crosswalk (Posted to NYSED IRS Portal) in the fall prior to reporting to course data.

Student Digital Access

  • Each fall 2022, school districts, charter schools and BOCES will report data on students’ access to devices and broadband in their places of residence to the New York State Education Department’s Student Information and Repository System (SIRS). This information will replace the Technology questions 8B and 8D currently collected as part of the Basic Education Data System (BEDS) Institutional Master File (IMF).
  • This collection will help identify specific needs and target resources and funding opportunities when they become available. It is for this reason that NYSED strongly recommends that the student digital access data elements are entered into SIRS as soon as possible during the school year.
Student Daily Attendance
  • LEAs will report both positive and negative attendance. Students present for the instruction for the day, irrespective of instructional modality, should be reported with the codes PRSNT-IN, PRSNT-OUT There must be an attendance record for every student on all instructional days. LEAs should continue working with their Student Management system vendors to ensure data can be reported accurately.
Student Enrollment Codes for Compulsory Age Students
  • For students who stop attending school while they are still of compulsory school age, the 8300 Reason for Beginning Enrollment Code should be reported immediately after entering the appropriate Reason for Ending Enrollment Code 400 - Compulsory age student, stopped attending and be continued each year until the end of the school year in which the student turns 16 (or 17 in select districts).
Students Impacted by a crisis or disaster
  • A code must be reported on the student record for students presented at the school for registration who may or may not have documentation due to a disaster or crisis.
Student Credit GPA
  • Required for students in P-TECH, Smart Scholars, Smart Transfer programs.



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