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New York State Education Department Seal


Information and Reporting Services (Yufan Huang, Executive Coordinator)

Information and Reporting Services (Rose M. LeRoy, Director of Educational Data and Research)

89 Washington Avenue, 880 EBA, Albany, NY 12234

District Superintendents
Superintendents of Public Schools
Public School Leaders
Charter School Leaders
Religious and Independent School Leaders
Regional Information Center Directors
Level 1 Primary and Secondary Project Managers
Yufan Huang, Executive Coordinator
Rose M. LeRoy, Director
Reporting 2024-25 School Year Data (Revised 2024-09-11)
May 30, 2024

Revision 2024-09-11: final row in Reporting Requirements and Reminders table (Students Impacted by a Crisis or Disaster/crisis codes) was removed.

This memo highlights data collection requirements and deadlines for public school districts (school districts), Board of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES), charter schools, and Religious and Independent schools (collectively referred to as Local Education Agencies or LEAs) for reporting 2024-25 school year (SY) data to the New York State Education Department (NYSED or the Department) via the Student Information Repository System (SIRS) and the Basic Education Data System (BEDS) Institutional Master File (IMF). Dates for data collected through other NYSED collection systems, not owned, or managed by the Office of Information and Reporting Services (IRS), are posted on their respective web pages.

The NYSED SIRS reporting requirements apply to all public school districts, their component schools, BOCES, and charter schools. Please share this information with the appropriate data personnel within your LEA responsible for data reporting and verification protocols.

The NYSED SIRS Timeline indicates when the data are to be reported to the NYSED Level 2 (L2) Data Warehouse by your Level 1 (L1) Reporting Center. Personnel within your LEA responsible for data reporting and verification must review all dates carefully to ensure accurate and timely reporting of data to the Department.

Please note, dates on the SIRS data reporting timeline are added or modified throughout the reporting school year and communicated to your Regional Information Center (RIC)/Big 5 City School District scanning centers. RICs and scanning centers will have earlier data submission dates. LEAs must work with their RIC or scanning center timeline.

The Department will extract and use data as needed. Therefore, it is imperative for each LEA to have data collection, data entry, vetting, and verification protocols in place with their team early and always. Processes must ensure continuous reporting of data regularly to the Department to ensure data are complete and accurate, while providing opportunities to detect data irregularities, and correct inaccurate records.

All reporting entities are expected to manage internal data protocols and data quality best practices within their source systems, focusing on the degree to which LEA data meet school, district, and NYSED expectations of accuracy, validity, completeness, and consistency. LEA data team staff must:

  • ensure data integrity in source systems;
  • know data collection requirements;
  • know business rules, expectations, and timelines;
  • know the importance of accurate data and how they impact their institution;
  • understand data flow; and
  • know and use available reports and resources throughout the school year reporting cycle.

Early and continuous reporting of data avails your school or district data coordinator the opportunity to verify data in the L2RPT until the closing or the end of year (EOY) deadline. Through data verification, your data coordinator can detect data irregularities, collaborate with internal staff responsible for data entry, and correct inaccurate records in your source data management system for improved data quality and timely reporting.

If you have questions about best practices for managing internal data protocols, utilizing best practices for data quality, RIC and scanning center dates, or the data contained in the SIRS, please contact your District Data Coordinator (DDC), RIC, or Big 5 City School District contact. For other commonly asked questions and answers, please refer to articles provided in the IRS Datasupport Help Center pages.

2024-25 SIRS Data Collection and Reporting Requirements and Reminders

The deadline to submit final 2024-25 data to the SIRS is August 15, 2025. Special Education Events, Staff Evaluation, and Level 0 Historical (L0H) data have different due dates. Please see the SIRS Timeline for other reporting deadlines.

Subject What to Know

Student Behavioral Interventions

Beginning in 2024-25 school districts, BOCES, and charter schools must begin reporting data regarding incidents of student behavioral interventions in the SIRS utilizing the eScholar Student Restraint Event template. Additional information is included in the November 30, 2023 memo.


Codes for new assessments administered in the 2024-25 SY can be found in the SIRS Manual and on the SIRS Code Change document on the IRS Vendors webpage. Program service and demographic data must be reported to the SIRS prior to the Level 2 Pre-ID data extract for the specific assessment and stand-alone field tests.

Staff and Course Reporting

2024-25 Staff and Course updates can be found on the Teacher/Staff Data and New York State Comprehensive Course Catalog web pages. Total Years Teaching Experience reporting in Staff Snapshot must be collected by canvassing new staff. Substitute teachers assigned to a course for more than 40 continuous days must be identified in Course Instructor Assignment. The annual teacher certification match process is performed using data from the eScholar Course Instructor Assignment template. Two reports (SIRS-328 and SIRS-329) are available in the L2RPT. All public LEAs should consult the L2RPT and Crosswalk in the fall prior to reporting course data. All public LEAs must identify the percentage of time school nurses, counselors, social workers, and psychologists are serving each building, including itinerant staff from other LEAs and private entities. Refer to the SIRS Manual for additional guidance.

Student Digital Access

Each fall, public LEAs must report data to the SIRS on student access to devices and broadband in their places of residence. This collection will help identify specific needs and target resources and funding opportunities when they become available. Student digital access data must be reported to the SIRS as soon as possible during the school year.

Arts Assessment Career Pathway Code

The Individual Arts Assessment Pathway (IAAP) is an alternative to the Humanities Pathway. The IAAP Implementation Guides list all the Arts discipline specific mandatory portfolio requirements. Code IAAP should be reported in the Student Lite template for students meeting these requirements.

Parent or Guardian Contact Information

Student home phone number and parent/guardian name is required on the Student Lite template.

Student Enrollment Codes for Compulsory Age Students

For public school district students who stop attending school while they are still of compulsory school age, the 8300 - Reason for Beginning Enrollment Code must be reported immediately after entering the Reason for Ending Enrollment Code 400 - Compulsory age student, stopped attending. The 8300 must continue to be reported each year until the end of the school year in which the student turns 16 (or 17 in select districts).

Data Verification

NYSED provides tools for reviewing, verifying, and certifying data available to LEAs, and other select reporting entities throughout the school year. Information officers and data coordinators must be familiar with the various systems and applications associated with data verification in order to prepare for end of year (EOY) verification and certification.

Level 0 (L0), L0 edits, Resources, Reports, and Documentation

The L0 is a NYSED application that is hosted by the RICs. Since many RICs support School Management Systems for school districts, this positions the L0 to be the closest data warehouse application to the source of student and staff information, supports eScholar templates, and has implemented business rules, edits, and reports to prepare the data before it is reported to the next level of the warehouse.

The L0 Data Quality User Reports were developed and provided to pinpoint data anomalies for school and district users. These reports look for data anomalies and gaps in record counts. The L0 Missing Data Reports target missing data and information not yet reported. These reports are available and can be run any time after the current school year data collection is open.

L2RPT Reports – Reviewing the SIRS Data

Verification reports for data in the SIRS are available in the L2RPT environment. These reports are to be used throughout the school year to help ensure that all data are reported accurately. If errors are discovered upon review of reports, corrections must be made in local data systems. Then data must be uploaded via the SIRS and reviewed again in the L2RPT for confirmation of accuracy.

User accounts for the L2RPT access are created and managed by the superintendent, charter school Chief Executive Officer (CEO), or their Delegated Account (DA) Administrator through the Department’s Delegated Accounts System (SEDDAS), which is available via the NYSED Application Business Portal. CEOs can delegate account administration to their staff for specific NYSED applications. Additional support for authorized users of SEDDAS can be found on NYSED’s SEDDAS resources page and by your L1 data center.

Please attend to counts in subgroup populations including but not limited to race, ethnicity, students with disabilities (SWD), and English Language Learners (ELL), as subgroup counts impact various data reports. Guides for understanding the L2RPT reports are posted on the L2RPT Resources page.

Changes made to historical data using the Level 0 Historical (L0H) Application will be displayed within the L0H system. Historical changes will only be displayed in the L2RPT for current year cohort membership or the cohort’s secondary assessment scores. The L0H opens in the 2024-25 SY after the NYS Assessment Cleanup process closes. The NYS Assessment Cleanup process allows districts and schools to correct select assessment data submitted in the prior school year. All 2025 public facing reports will not be updated. This includes the public data site, the L2RPT reports, and previously fulfilled data requests.

IRS Portal (IRSP) Reports

In addition to verification reports available through the L2RPT and the L0 application, other reports are distributed to schools and districts via the IRSP. When reports are posted to the IRSP, an email notification is sent to the Information Officer/DDC listed in SEDREF, indicating that a file is available for downloading. It is important that LEAs ensure these staff are listed in SEDREF to receive notifications.

Please be advised the IRSP is a secure file transfer protocol (SFTP). LEAs should not use the IRSP to store files. If an LEA wishes to save any items received via the IRSP, the user must download and save the file(s) to the LEA’s own secured network environment. Otherwise, files that remain on the SFTP will not be maintained and will be purged by the Department annually.

Basic Educational Data System Institutional Master File (BEDS IMF) Data

The BEDS IMF application for public school districts, public schools, charter schools, BOCES, and nonpublic schools is scheduled to be available on Wednesday, October 2, 2024, and must be submitted by November 15, 2024.

BEDS IMF forms and instructions for the 2024-25 SY will be available on the NYSED IRS BEDS landing page.

New York City Public Schools (NYCPS) and NYC Charter Schools Access

Access to various NYSED systems differs for NYCPS principals, NYCPS teachers, and NYC Charter School leaders. The table below provides information about access to select NYSED IRS systems.

For NYCPS Who Has Access to Select NYSED IRS-Supported Data Collection & Reporting Systems

System Name NYCPS Principals NYCPS Teachers NYC Charter School Leaders Additional Information

IRS Portal




For any data that NYSED makes available via the IRSP, the NYCPS will provide alternate access for NYCPS principals. Information on access to the IRSP for charter school principals is noted on the IRSP Resources and Information page.





NYC L2RPT assistance and access for charter schools

New York City Public Schools that have access issues or questions should contact the NYCPS Systems Access. For general assistance with data reporting, NYCPS should contact your Superintendent District Office Lead. NYC Charter Schools should visit the NYC Charter School Help Desk and submit a ticket. For support with all staff, course enrollment, and course outcomes data, NYC charter schools should review the NYC Charter Data website at Eastern Suffolk BOCES or submit a ticket with the NYC Charter School Help Desk.

Accountability under the Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA)

Data reported to the Department are used to make accountability status and support model determinations for public school districts, public schools, and charter schools. Applicable accountability determinations and all related State and federal reporting will be completed with data submitted by public LEAs as of the close of the 2024-25 SY (August 15, 2025), with some exceptions for federal reporting as indicated on the SIRS Timeline. For more information on New York State’s State Plan under ESSA and the accountability system, see the Office of Accountability’s website.

Mandated Federal Reporting

The SIRS data reported to the Department are used to build and submit federally mandated reports. LEAs must be mindful of the SIRS Timeline to ensure completeness and accuracy of data submitted to the United States Department of Education (USDE) which includes EDFacts Reporting and the Consolidated State Performance Report (CSPR). For more information on EDFacts, visit the EDFacts Initiative website. For more information on the CSPR, visit the USDE’s CSPR website.