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District Superintendents
School Superintendents
Public Schools Leaders
Charter School Leaders
Regional Information Center Directors
Level 1 Primary and Secondary Project Managers
Rose M. LeRoy, Director of Educational Data and Research
COVID-19 SIRS EOY Certification Data
July 6, 2020

This memo is to inform schools, districts, Boards of Cooperative Educational Services (BOCES), and charter schools of the 2019-20 certification of data for the reported 2019- 20 school year (SY) to the New York State Education Department (NYSED) via the Student Information Repository System (SIRS).

Please be advised and share this information with district, BOCES, and school personnel who are responsible for data reporting and verification processes of your data as reported to the NYSED Data Warehouse (L2DW). The Office of Information and Reporting Services (IRS) has updated the SIRS Level 2 Reporting Environment (L2RPT) to reflect data reporting due to the impact of COVID-19, the U.S. Department of Education (USED) waiver impacting accountability, the NYSED exemptions to graduation, and the cancellation of the 2019-20 State assessments, including June and August 2020 Regents examinations.

As a reminder, the End of Year 2019-20 SY deadline to report data to the L2DW is Friday, August 21, 2020. Your District Data Coordinator or Regional Information Center (RIC) Data Warehouse (DW) Service personnel will have earlier reporting deadlines as they must ensure all data as reported by districts is pushed to the L2DW no later than Friday, August 21, 2020. We encourage you to work closely with your RIC to meet these reporting deadlines.

Due to the cancellation of June and August 2020 Regents examinations and the USED reporting waiver for 2019-20 SY, we have extended the assessment fact collection through October 9, 2020 to provide districts and schools more time to report the assessment data. Please see the Reporting of Student Exemptions for the June and August 2020 Regents and Approved Alternative Examinations in SIRS in Response to COVID-19 Related School and District Closures memo released June 4, 2020.

The 2019-20 SIRS End of Year (EOY) Data Statement of Certification form will be available in the Information Data Exchange (IDEx) application on the NYSED Business Application Portal (IRSP) in August and is due to the Department on or before Friday, September 4, 2020. Since the assessment fact collection has been extended through October 9, 2020, this year, the 2019-20 SIRS EOY Data Statement of Certification form will not include the verification of SIRS 202 or SIRS 309.

Data Verification

NYSED makes available to school districts, BOCES, charter schools, and other reporting entities tools for reviewing, verifying, and certifying their data throughout the school year. Information officers and data coordinators must be familiar with the various systems and applications associated with data verification. All SIRS data verification tools are available in the form of verification reports within the Level 2 Reporting Environment (L2RPT). These reports are available and should be used throughout the school year to ensure all data are reported accurately in SIRS.

Reporting errors discovered from a review of these reports must be updated. Updates must be made in the local data source system. If data is not changed in the source system, what exists in the source system will overwrite any data submitted elsewhere and the data quality errors will persist.

Data in the L2RPT reports are refreshed on a daily, weekly, or annual basis (depending on the particular domain in SIRS) until the closing of the Level 2 Data Warehouse. Your Data Coordinator or your Level 1 Data Coordinator can assist you with the data refresh schedules if needed. Please pay close attention to the counts within the various subgroup populations (e.g., racial and ethnic subgroups, students with disabilities, English language learners), as these counts may impact various data reports for these subgroups. Guides for understanding these reports are available on the NYSED Level 2 Reporting page.

User accounts for L2RPT access are created and managed by the superintendent or charter school CEO or the superintendent’s or charter school CEO’s Delegated Account Administrator through the State Education Department’s Delegated Account System (SEDDAS) available via the NYSED Business Portal. Additional support for authorized users of SEDDAS can be found on the NYSED SEDDAS page and may also be provided by your Level 1 data center. NYSED, including IRS cannot provide permissions or access.

SIRS L2RPT Changes

Annually, IRS posts the EOY SIRS Data Reports document on the Verification and Certification page. Your dedicated district and Level 1 data coordinators use this information to ensure verification of data that is used for Accountability, Annual Outcomes, Attendance, BEDS, Course, CTE, Reasonableness, Staff, Assessments, Total Cohort, and UIAS in order to assist and enable superintendents and charter school leaders with certifying their data.

Due to Covid-19, the L2RPT SIRS Data Reports have been updated to reflect the USED waiver impacting accountability, the NYSED exemptions to graduation, and the cancellation of the 2019-20 State assessments, including June and August 2020 Regents examinations.

The 2019-20 EOY SIRS Data Reports grid is designed to assist with the review of data by identifying the report folder (Accountability, Annual Outcomes, Attendance, BEDS enrollment, Course, CTE, Reasonableness, Staff, Tested/Not Tested, Total Cohort, and UIAS) along with the focus or purpose of the report (Report Card, Accountability, Informational, Chronic Absenteeism, Student Data Reports for State Aid Funding, Program Office, APPR, Course Reporting, Perkins Funding, Data Gaps, PMF, State and federal reporting, Assessments, and Grad Rate).

The following reports will not be released and/or data will be purged for the 2019-20 SY:


Elementary/Middle-Level Achievement Accountability Report


Chronic Absenteeism Accountability Report


College, Career, and Civic Readiness Accountability Report


Recently Arrived ELL Students Accountability Report


Student Growth Accountability Report


English Language Proficiency (ELP) Accountability Report


Teacher Student Data Linkage (TSDL) Verification Report

The following report will have partial data released for the 2019 – 20 SY:


High School Achievement & Graduation Rate Accountability Report

The following reports are released and auto refreshed for the 2019-20 SY. The shaded text indicates reports that must be certified for 2019-20 SY. All other reports are available for informational purposes and not required for certification.

NOTE: SIRS-360, 361, and 370 do not require BOCES certification for SY 2019-20. SIRS-321 Columns a - i, o, p should be certified. SIRS-309 and SIRS-202 will not require certification for SY 2019-20 only.


Student Daily Suspension Accountability Report


School Year Suspension Accountability Report


Annual Dropout & Non-Completer Report


Annual Graduation Report


Annual Regents Report


Graduation Exam Requirements Summary Report


Graduation Exam Requirements Details Report


English Language Learner Profile Summary Report


Annual Enrollment Summary Report


Annual Title III Allocation ELL and Immigrant Counts Summary Report


Student Attendance Summary Report


Attendance Absence Summary Report


Year-to-Date Attendance/Absenteeism Summary Report


Day Calendar Summary Report


BEDS Day Enrollment Verification Report for State Aid


BEDS Day Enrollment Verification Report by Location of Enrollment & Student Subgroup


BEDS Day Enrollment Verification Report by District of Residence


BEDS Day Enrollment Verification Report for District Pre-K


BEDS Day Enrollment in Public and Charter Schools by Resident District


Free and Reduced-Price Lunch Eligible Students Enrolled on BEDS Day


Free and Reduced-Price Lunch Eligible Students Enrolled on BEDS Day - Eligibility Types


Monthly Student Enrollment Summary Report


Student Class Grade Detail


Student Class/Course Instructor Summary Report


Career and Technical Education Report


Reasonableness Report


Annual Assessment At-A-Glance Report


Staff Assignment VR Verification Report


Staff Snapshot Verification Report


Staff Tenure Verification Report


Staff Attendance Summary Report


Staff Out of Certification Verification Report (NEW)


Staff Certification Report (NEW)


NYSITELL Summary Report


Tested/Not Tested Confirmation Report


Tested/Not Tested Confirmation All Assessments Report


Total Cohort - Summary


Total Cohort - Assessment Summary


Total Cohort Career Pathways Summary Report


Unique Identifier Audit System Summary

SIRS 2019-20 End of Year Certification statement:

School districts, charter schools, BOCES, and all reporting entities must certify the accuracy of the data as reported by the entity for the 2019-20 SY L2DW as of the August 21, 2020 data refresh and submit a completed 2019-20 EOY Statement of Certification of Verification Reports form. This certification form must be completed by the chief school officer via the Information and Reporting Services Data Exchange (IDEx) no later than September 4, 2020. The IDEx application is accessed through the NYSED Business Portal.

Public school districts must certify all the reports listed below. Charter schools must certify all reports except the SIRS 312 - BEDS Day Enrollment Verification Report for State Aid, SIRS 316 - BEDS Day Enrollment Verification Report for District PreK, and

SIRS 323 - Free and Reduced-Price Lunch Eligible Students Enrolled on BEDS Day. Additional information is available on the IRS Verification and Certification web page. Some data contained in these reports are also considered public information and may be provided to requestors on demand as required under the New York State Freedom of Information Laws.

The SIRS 2019-20 Certification Statement indicates:

“I have reviewed the L2RPT verification reports indicated below, which were generated for my entity as of the August 21, 2020 data refresh. I understand that the reports were generated from data in Level 2 of the Student Information Repository System. I also understand that data submitted by my Level 1 to Level 2 of the SIRS as of August 21, 2020 will be the final submission and the data in the repository as of this date will be used for accountability determinations, State Aid calculations, to populate the New York State Report Cards and may be used for additional reports to the Board of Regents or for other policy purposes. I understand that the submission of incomplete or inaccurate data may result in corrective actions or other consequences.

I confirm that we have documented procedures and controls in place to ensure that data submitted to SIRS are complete and accurate and that these procedures and controls are working as intended. I understand that any known data issues must be disclosed to the New York State Education Department (NYSED).”

Support and Additional Assistance:

Thank you for all the work you have done with your students, staff, parents, and community stakeholders this year. We thank you for the countless hours, outstanding efforts, and unending dedication to the health and safety of the students of New York during this unprecedented time. We appreciate the work you do every day that makes a difference in the lives of all New York State stakeholders.

We are here to support you as you finalize your school’s 2019-20 EOY data.

  • New York City Public (NYCDOE) schools who need any assistance should contact their Field Support Center Performance and Assessment Lead.
  • NYC charters schools should contact the NYC Charter School office.
  • For support with all staff, course enrollment, and course outcomes data, NYC charter schools should review the NYC Charter Data website at Eastern Suffolk BOCES or contact the NYC Charter Data Help Desk at ( 631) 218-4134.

For overall general assistance with data verification or questions about data contained in SIRS for public and rest of state charter schools, please contact your RIC or Big 5 Data Coordinator. For information concerning SIRS reports and resources, please refer to the L2RPT support page.

If you need any further data related assistance, please contact the Office of Information and Reporting Services (IRS) by entering your question via the blue “HELP” icon at the bottom right corner of each IRS subpage.