Office of Operational Support
The New York State Education Department (NYSED or “the Department”) will provide the Grades 3-8 English Language Arts (ELA) and mathematics (math) preliminary assessment data to districts and schools prior to the beginning of the 2022-23 school year. NYSED is streamlining its data sharing practices to provide state assessment data to schools, teachers, parents, and the public more quickly. This will continue the Department’s efforts to increase data transparency and eliminate data confusion, reinforcing the Department’s effort to provide outstanding customer service that will positively impact student outcomes.
Streamlined Data Process
Historically, the Department released preliminary statewide assessment data to districts on an embargoed basis soon after the start of the school year and publicly released the preliminary data on the NYSED website and through a news release. Under the new streamlined process, districts will receive their preliminary data in August so it can be used to help inform instructional decisions and to develop individualized learning plans for students at the start of the 2022-23 school. This will also allow parents to receive their student’s information much earlier than in past years.
The Department will move to publicly release all final state assessment data – including Regents exams – at the same time this fall. This will allow the Department to provide earlier public access to final annual assessment data for all state assessments. Final annual assessment data are required by federal statute to be publicly available in the New York State Report Card on the Department’s public data site. The Department will no longer publicly post preliminary assessment data.
This change will have final Grades 3-8 ELA, math, Grades 4 and 8 science, New York State Alternative Assessment (NYSAA), New York State English as a Second Language Achievement Test (NYSESLAT), Annual Regents Examinations, Total Cohort Regents Examinations and National Assessment of Education Progress earlier than previous years. NYSED anticipates that final data will be released each fall, rather than April of the following year.
Benefits to Educators and Parents
With earlier access to this data before the start of the 2022-23 school year, school leaders will have the data available to help inform:
- instructional programming and staffing;
- instructional interventions and enrichment opportunities;
- student level data and instructional reports to educators;
- individualized learning plans and differentiation of instruction;
- individual student reports for 3-8 ELA and math to parents and guardians; and
- ongoing parent engagement with the school community to further learning experiences and outcomes.
Next Steps, Support, and Additional Assistance
School and district data reporting annual timelines are provided prior to each school year by the Office of Information and Reporting services. The Student Information Repository System (SIRS) reporting memo and timeline are regularly updated and publicly available. SIRS guidance is available and regularly updated in the SIRS manual with a new school year version of the SIRS manual made available prior to the start of the upcoming school year.
For overall general assistance with data reporting, verification or questions about data contained in SIRS for public and rest of state charter schools, please contact your RIC or Big 5 Data Coordinator.
For information concerning SIRS reports and resources, please refer to the L2RPT support page.
If you need any further data-related assistance, please contact the Office of Information and Reporting Services (IRS) by entering your question directly to our Datasupport helpdesk via the blue “HELP” icon at the bottom right corner of each IRS subpage.
For New York City Department of Education (NYC DOE) Schools
If you need additional support, please reach out to your Borough Field Support Lead with the NYC DOE. The Office of Information Reporting Services or Datasupport will not be able to assist you.
For All New York City Charter Schools
All New York City Charter Schools should contact the NYCDOE Charter School Help Support Desk and submit a ticket.