Career and Technical Education (CTE)

The following identifies the appropriately credentialed teachers that can provide instruction leading to the CDOS Commencement Credential, the CDOS Pathway to a Regents or a local diploma (which requires 216 hours of CTE coursework including at least 54 hours of work-based learning), and the 1.75 units of Career and Technical Education required in grades 7 and 8.
Career and Technical Education (CTE) is a kindergarten through adult area of study that includes rigorous academic content closely aligned with career and technical subjects. The CDOS learning standards serve as the framework for CTE.[1]
For the purpose of delivering the instruction leading to the above units of study, the following are considered to be CTE content areas:
- Natural and Agricultural Sciences
- Business and Marketing education
- Family & Consumer Sciences education
- Health Occupations education
- Technology education
- Trade, Technical & Industrial education
Career and Technical Education (CTE) is the terminology used nationally to designate studies that expose students to career exploration, project-based learning, and the real-world application of academics. The New York State Office of Teaching Initiatives uses the term CTE teacher to identify the set of technical instructors whose certification requirements include work experience in an occupational field related to their certification area, In NY schools, CTE disciplines are commonly taught by teachers certified as classroom teachers in a CTE content area, or by technical instructors in a CTE content area.
Any teacher holding any one of the following certifications can deliver the instruction at the middle level to meet the CTE requirement, or at the high school level leading to the CDOS Commencement Credential or the CDOS Pathway to a Regents or a local diploma.
Classroom teachers:
- Technology Education or Industrial Arts, P-12
- Business and Marketing or Business and Distributive Education, P-12
- Family and Consumer Science or Home Economics, P-12
- Agriculture, P-12
Career and Technical teachers in the following Subject Areas:
- Business Management. & Administration, 7-12
- Family and Consumer Science titles, 7-12
- Agriculture titles, 7-12
- Any Trade or Technical titles, 7-12
- Health Occupations titles, 7-12
Any questions related to the CTE requirements for either the CDOS commencement credential or the required units of CTE study at the middle level can be directed to the CTE information email box at or the Curriculum and Instruction email box at
[1] Career and Technical Education (CTE) is the terminology used nationally to designate studies that expose students to career exploration, project-based learning, and the real-world application of academics. The New York State Office of Teaching Initiatives uses the term CTE teacher to identify the set of technical instructors whose certification requirements include work experience in an occupational field related to their certification area, In NY schools, CTE disciplines are commonly taught by teachers certified as classroom teachers in a CTE content area, or by technical instructors in a CTE content area.