Statewide New York State Physical Education Learning Standards Introduction and Rollout presentation for NYS Physical Education Teachers – November 10, 2021 (10AM-11AM)
Please join us for a Statewide NYS Physical Education Learning Standards Introduction and Rollout presentation by Darryl Daily, Associate in Instructional Services, Physical Education, in the Office of Curriculum and Instruction and Dr. Clancy Seymour Associate Professor | Director of Health, Physical Education, & Sport Pedagogy Teacher Education and Leadership | Canisius College. The event will take place on November 10, 2021 from 10AM-11AM EST in a zoom meeting format.
This virtual meeting, for New York State Physical Education Teachers, will provide updates on the rollout of the NYS Physical Education Learning Standards, the Introduction, status and tentative implementation timeline, as well as professional development resources that are being developed.
This presentation will be limited to the first 1000 participants. A recording will be available on the New York State Education Department Curriculum & Instruction Physical Education page after the event. If you are interested in attending, please register here.