United Charter High School for Advanced Math and Science II
Authorizer: Board of Regents
School Year: | Authorized Grades: | Authorized Enrollment: |
2022-2023 | 9-12 | 566 |
2023-2024 | 9-12 | 566 |
2024-2025 | 9-12 | 566 |
2025-2026 | 9-12 | 566 |
2026-2027 | 9-12 | 566 |
- Institution data such as school's address, principal, phone number
- United Charter High School for Advanced Math and Science II NYS Data such as enrollment, assessment, report card, etc.
- United Charter High School for Advanced Math and Science II website
2021-2022 Renewal Site Visit Report
2016-2017 Renewal Site Visit Report
2021-2022 Annual Report and Financial Statement
If any of the information on the cross-linked institutional data page needs to be updated, please update the SEDREF system (the Department's centralized directory for all schools) by emailing datasupport@nysed.gov (and copy charterschools@nysed.gov) with the updated information. Please include your BEDS code.