Exploration Elementary Charter School for Science and Technology
Authorizer: Board of Regents
School Year: | Authorized Grades: | Authorized Enrollment: |
2024-2025 | K-5 | 475 |
2025-2026 | K-5 | 475 |
2026-2027 | K-5 | 475 |
- Institution data such as school's address, principal, phone number
- Exploration Elementary Charter School for Science and Technology NYS Data such as enrollment, assessment, report card, etc.
- Exploration Elementary Charter School for Science and Technology Website
Renewal Report:
2023-2024 Renewal Site Visit Report | Response to Report: Evaluative Comments
2021-2022 Renewal Site Visit Report | Response to Report: Evaluative Comments
Annual Reports:
2022-2023 Annual Report and Financial Statement
2021-2022 Annual Report and Financial Statement
If any of the information on the institutional data page needs to be updated, please update the SEDREF system (the Department's centralized directory for all schools) by emailing datasupport@nysed.gov (and copy charterschools@nysed.gov) with the information. Please include the school's BEDS code.