John J. Sosa Aguilar
2019-20 MBK Fellow
Yonkers Montessori Academy
If you could use 2-3 words to describe MBK, what would they be?
Hope, family, and support.
How has being involved in MBK impacted you?
Before MBK, I was an “alright” student with grades in the low 80s. Studying wasn’t my priority. After I joined MBK, I started becoming more involved. My grades skyrocketed and I made it to the honor roll. This summer, we had an internship and MBK Fellows workshops with a lot of topics including oral presentations. With that training came more confidence in myself, comfort around other people, and the ability to speak up with my opinion.
What do you look forward to most as a 2019-20 MBK Fellow?
I’m excited and nervous about going to Albany to present our community-based projects to school superintendents from around the state. I’m looking forward to it. It will break my boundaries – I never imagined myself up on a stage in Albany with an audience of powerful people.