2022-23 Title I School Improvement Grant 1003 Coaching for Excellence
Test Update 1
Important Dates
For the 2022-23 school year, the New York State Education Department (NYSED or “the Department”) is providing Target Districts with schools identified for Comprehensive Support and Improvement the opportunity to receive funding to support the employment of a new instructional coach to enhance instructional capacity within the school.
Target Districts with at least one non-Receivership CSI school are eligible to submit an application for the 2022-23 SIG Coaching for Excellence funds for each non-Receivership CSI school interested in participating in the program.
Non-Receivership CSI schools may participate if they have at least ten teachers committed to participate in peer coaching and meet one of the following conditions:
- The school did not have a school-based instructional coach during the 2021-22 school year; OR
- The school had one school-based instructional coach during the 2021-22 school year, and the school serves 600 or more students.
Districts must ensure that any interested eligible school is familiar with the Coaching for Excellence Program Theory of Action (Appendix A) and Coaching for Excellence Program Participation Expectations prior to completing an application.
To receive SIG COACHING FOR EXCELLENCE funding, eligible Districts must submit:
- One signed original of the Cover Page;
- One signed original of the District’s FS-10 budget form.
LEAs are required to send the signed original and two hard copies to the address below, along with one electronic copy of each of the items listed above to fieldsupport@nysed.gov.
NYS Education Department - Office of Accountability
Room 320 EB
89 Washington Avenue
Albany, New York 12234
For additional information or assistance please contact: fieldsupport@nysed.gov.