Federal Stimulus Fund Supported Projects
The Office of Facilities Planning, in collaboration with NYSED’s Chief Financial Officer and the Office of ESSA-Funded Programs, is developing guidance regarding capital construction projects based on the United States Department of Education (USDE) recently issued FAQs for this federal program. The Use of Funds FAQ (released May 26, 2021) may be of particular interest, since it discusses construction and combination of funds.
Districts which intend to do federally funded work using CRRSA and/or ARP-ESSER funds must first file FS-10s and other documents as required by the Office of ESSA-Funded Programs. If a project would normally require a building permit if supported by state/local funds, it must also have a building permit if supported by federal funds (or a combination of funding streams). Facilities Planning forms are under development at this time.
We will update the Facilities Planning home page as additional information becomes available.