Samplers of Scaffolded Lessons at Multiple Grade Levels
Resources to support teachers in scaffolding instruction for ELLs/MLLs at multiple grade levels including an introduction and two samplers of scaffolded lessons.
The introduction to the samplers describes the content of the two samplers, explains the model used to scaffold the lessons for English Language Learners/Multilingual Language Learners in the samplers, and provides information on the conventions used to scaffold the lessons. The purpose of the samplers is to showcase lesson exemplars across the grade levels.
English Language Arts Lesson Exemplars: Sampler 1
This sampler brings together lessons across the grade levels that have been scaffolded for ELLs/MLLs. The lessons add scaffolding to existing Core Knowledge, Expeditionary Learning, and Public Consulting Group lesson components that require them and add new components to the lessons if necessary to provide sufficient support for ELLs/MLLs.
English Language Arts Lesson Exemplars: Sampler 2
This is a companion to Sampler 1 and includes four additional scaffolded lessons.
Staff at the Center for English Language Learners at the American Institutes for Research conduct rigorous research to improve instruction and learning for English Language Learners/Multilingual Learners (ELLs/MLLs); perform evaluations of programs that involve ELLs/MLLs; and support states, districts, and schools in improving policies and programs for ELLs/MLLs. Our work is guided by the belief that ELLs/MLLs bring many strengths to learning in a second language and benefit from evidence-based assistance tailored to their diverse needs.