Resource Collection for ELLs and World Language Students
Resource Collection for World Languages
In response to New York State school closings due to the COVID-19 public health emergency, the Office of Bilingual Education and World Languages (OBEWL) at the New York State Education Department (NYSED) has collected resources for educators to provide continuity of instruction for English Language Learners (ELLs) and World Language students. We are also providing educational resources for students and parents to continue moving ELLs toward English proficiency in the absence of face-to face classroom instruction, and to support their remote learning of core content areas.
A guiding principle of The Blueprint for English Language Learner Success is that “ALL teachers are teachers of ELLs.” Given instructional interruptions due to the COVID-19 emergency, providing appropriate supports and scaffolds to ELLs is more crucial than ever. Utilizing resources such as those below with fidelity will allow our ELLs to not only move forward in obtaining English proficiency but also in mastering content area knowledge.
The following resources will enable teachers to adapt and develop lessons and units of study to meet the needs of ELLs at all levels of proficiency and develop appropriate scaffolds for use in the virtual classroom. However, please keep in mind that this list of resources is not intended to be exhaustive, and the inclusion of a resource does not denote endorsement by, nor an affiliation with, the New York State Education Department.
We urge teachers and districts to also reach out to their Regional Bilingual Educational Resource Network (RBERN) for further guidance regarding instruction for ELLs and World Languages students, in order that they can be supported to the greatest extent possible during this unprecedented challenge. A list of all RBERNs is shown below.
*Entries marked with an asterisk are resources created for the general education classroom. They have been included here as they are also appropriate for supporting ELLs, educators and families.
New York State Language RBERN (statewide)
Capital District Region RBERN at Questar III BOCES
Hudson Valley RBERN at Southern Westchester BOCES
Long Island RBERN at Eastern Suffolk BOCES
Mid-West RBERN at Monroe 2 - Orleans BOCES